Honoring Deborah Caviness
PDF: Luncheon Order Form and Information
Jack Kohler-Suanhacky Campership Association
Bi-Annual Luncheon
Sunday November 3, 2019 1 – 5 pm
Connolly’s Corner, 71-17 Grand Avenue, Maspeth, NY
Gifts, Raffles, Fellowship & Various Presentations
Please join us for our Fellowship & Awards luncheon.
All are welcome; members and non-members alike can join the celebration on Nov. 3, 2019, 1 – 5 pm,
Honoring our “Outstanding Scouter Award of Excellence” Recipients:
Deborah Caviness (Founders District) Michael Mangino (Pathfinder District)
William (Bill) Kiernan (Pathfinder District) John Restrepo (Founders District)
Life Time Achievement Award Presented to:
Henry Zalak (Pathfinder District)
Special Keynote Speaker: the Honorable, Michael A. Soriano, Mayor of Parsippany, NJ
Eagle Scout -Class ‘87 & former Ten Mile River Staff Member
For additional information, contact us at our Email address: JKohlerASN@aol.com , or call Luncheon
Chairman Anthony Zalak 646-354-0743. Deadline for reservations is October 26, 2019.
Please reserve_________seat (s) for me at the Luncheon at $50.00 each for a Total $____________
If you are so inclined to add a $10.00 Donation to make it an even $60.00 please do so.
Make you payment payable to:
Jack Kohler-Suanhacky Campership Association
64-34 99
Street, Apt. 2A Rego Park, NY 11374
WE ACCEPT PAYPAL: Our PayPal Account = jackkohlercampershipassociation@msn.com or click on
this link https://paypal.me/jackkohlersuanhacky
I would prefer to be seated with_____________________________________________________________________________
I cannot attend the Luncheon, but would like to contribute to the honorees gift $___________________________
Please fill out the form and mail it today or on line with PayPal (Deadline Monday, Oct. 26, 2019) to avoid
late fee. Please note there is a $15.00 late fee for those paying at the door without a prior firm reservation.
Jack Kohler-Suanhacky Campership Association
“Helping Make Every Scout A Camper”
Since 1986