Carl Smith’s Eagle Scout Project

Who:    Scouts and Parents

Where:  Presbyterian Church of St. Albans, 190-04 119th Ave.    St. Albans, NY

When:   7:30 pm – 9:30 pm

What:    Eagle Project- Men’s Health

Greeting Scouting Family,


My name is Carl Smith. I represent Troop 263 located in Queens, New York. As I get older I’m becoming more aware of my health and the importance of maintaining it. For me to accomplish my goal of becoming an Eagle Scout, I have chosen to do a Men’s Health Fair for my Eagle Scout project. The purpose of this fair is to bring awareness to men about dieting, screenings, exercising, eating right and making sound choices concerning their health. I have been planning and organizing my project during the past several months. I spoke to the Presbyterian Church of St. Albans  Men’s Ministry and was granted permission to host my fair at their church. This fair will also include guest speakers. I asked several scouts to assist me in preparing the church for this event. Join me on this day to help support my event.